This one's in english... why... because EVERYTHING SUXX BALLS!!

And its not only in RL either! Both in my on and offline lives there's damned trouble. Lemme start with real life....

I lost me job dammit! One month after starting my new job at the service desk of Damen Shipyards they've sent me off. One day before the end of the month trial. They told me that "The ICT Organization at Damen isn't mature enough for someone with your experience and skill" and then told me to sodd off next Friday. That was a week ago. So far all i got to show for a shit load of job applicatios is one appointment for a network manager job in Den bosch and one rejection. the rest didn't bother to respond at all.....

Ofcourse this cuts up Arendjes daycare time. I've left him there normally this week but come next week we'll have to cut it down to 2 days a week. He'll love that..... :(

And for my online life? Somehow it doesn't seem to wanna get in gear anymore. I'm behind in my USS August duties (do some after i've done the reinstall which i'll tell you about in a minute) and i am way way way behind in my STO track. I've got only the jem hadar set complete but i hear from this week on the episode series will restart including the special bonussesseses... :D But who knows... i might not get to it, just like all of last month or two. :(

And the server is giving me major headaches. After (i found out after 3 days of screwing around trying to figure out why the damn thing wouldn't install right, i was able to install pengyos. Nice os except when you want to control the damn thing from remote, preferably by logging onto a desktop environment like xfce.... well, i thought i had it, i really did... so i move 100Gig of movies and shit over to the server's only drive, which i finally could write from w7, then i reboot......

Nothing works anymore, except for ssh. Not even the website, which took me 5 hours to get running right, no longer does anything but time out.... I have to conceit defeat here. Or i start smashing hardware.... So i have to copy back the 100Gigs to the deuzigewastedhq's kutjapannerschaaischaaif which is gonna take another 2 hours from... NOW!

Damnit.... like i got that kind of time...

Anyway, there's one light in all this.. i've been able to do a lot of laundry, clear most of the top floor of laundry and am ready to vacume one more time, fold all the laundry and put it in the kast and then the whole house will be in order. Clean, everything in place... garden will be next...

But ok... now what.... I got at least a two hour wait to go before i can install he nex attempt... mint...

Well, i'll do some uss august writing i guess... if i can keep my eyes open... been asleep for allmost 3 hours.... the past 60 hours.....


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